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Μέλος συλλογής: Συνέδρια  

Βρέθηκαν: 358 αποτελέσματα. (18 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-02-29 Creative scientific milieus: the European city ideal as a model for innovation processes Hessler, Martina
2008-02-08 Ethics in the cross-cultural oral history interview Herbert, Joanna
2008-01-28 Réseaux d’innovations: travaux portuaires dans les villes levantines, 1850-1920 Hastaoglou-Martinidis, Vilma
2008-02-06 Hadrian and the Athenian Oil Production Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja
2008-01-10 The metropolis and the state: the autonomy of Amsterdam and Antwerp in a comparative perspective (ca. 1530-1830) Hart, Marjolein ’t
2007-12-17 To use and to protect: municipal parks of London in the twentieth century-a natural approach Hannikainen, Matti
2008-02-25 Régie Vardar: a Jewish 'Garden City' in Thessaloniki (1917-1943). Hadar, Gila
2008-02-08 Auto-ethnography: research into one's own culture: some methodological insights Gulin Zrnic, Valentina
2008-01-18 Urban images and representations during the 20th century in Europe and beyond: introduction Guckes, Jochen
1989 H Δημοκρατία της Μαγεντίας (Μάινζ) 1792-1793 Grilli, Marita
1989 Πολιτικά ιδανικά και αυταπάτες της γερμανικής διανόησης στην εποχή της γαλλικής επανάστασης Grab, Walter
2008-02-22 State, society and market in Preveza: historical time and historical centre in a small Greek town Rentzos, Ioannis
2008-02-05 Nineteenth-century Greek port-cities: history, historiography and comparisons Gekas, Sakis
1989 Εξέλιξη αντί επανάσταση: ο μετασχηματισμός της πρωσικής κοινωνίας από αγροτική σε αστική Garber, Jorn
2008-01-16 Representations, perceptions and appropriations of urban space Fretz, Nicole
2008-01-09 Place is not enough: some considerations concerning theory, context and models when comparing urban political cultures in modern history Forsell, Hakan
2008-02-08 Migrant voices in Vienna's contemporary history Fischer, Wladimir
2008-01-21 Teaching urban history in Italian Universities Favero, Giovanni
2008-02-14 La croissance de périphéries urbaines à l’époque industrielle: un tour d’horizon européen Favero, Giovanni
2008-02-05 Contrasting merchant communities in the early eighteenth century: Stockholm, Calabar and Charleston Ryden, Goran
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