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Μέλος συλλογής: Συνέδρια  

Βρέθηκαν: 358 αποτελέσματα. (18 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-02-07 New living-no cats: the example Frankfurt housing estates in the 1920s Saldern, Adelheid von
2008-02-05 Contrasting merchant communities in the early eighteenth century: Stockholm, Calabar and Charleston Ryden, Goran
2007-12-19 A walk in the park as a democratic right Rooijen, Maurits van
1998 Ταυτίζεται η παγκοσμιοποίηση με τον νεοφιλελευθερισμό; Οικονομικές πιέσεις και πολιτικές απαντήσεις στα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη ευημερίας Rhodes, Martin
2008-02-22 State, society and market in Preveza: historical time and historical centre in a small Greek town Rentzos, Ioannis
2000 The necessity of reducing working time as a measure to eradicate unemployment Reati, Angelo
2008-01-08 Rau, Susanne
2008-02-15 Lyon ou l’ invention de la „bonne ville“ Rau, Susanne
2008-01-25 The Forgotten 'Cradle to Grave' welfare state: a comparison of local and national health care Powell, Martin
2008-02-08 The role of oral history in understanding the past Popa, Maria Raluca
2008-01-07 Bringing great shame upon this city: sodomy, the courts and the civic idiom in south west England, 1720-1820 Poole, Steve
2008-02-12 Pesée démographique et réseaux urbains: Italie (siècles XIII-XV) Pinto, Giuliano
2008-02-12 Modern Cemeteries and resurrecting narratives: revitalization and ruins in the Brás district, in the city of São Paulo. Pereira, V.S.
2004 The “Muslim” Aristotle: The Treatment of Aristotle in Islamic Thought Pazouki, Shahram
2008-02-07 Domesticating Europe: urban everyday life in the 19th century Balkans Parusheva, Dobrinka
2007-12-17 The history of allotment areas in 20th century Sweden and their role in maintaining ecosystem services in urban areas Parker, John N.
2004 Thomas’ Aquinas and John's of Damascus Readings of Aristotle: an Indicative Suggestion of the Differences Papagianopoulos, Elias
2008-02-07 Silence is golden: face-to-face communication in urban everyday life, 1870-1914 Owzar, Armin
2008-01-24 Cadastre maps and views of the city of Vienna (late 18th - early 19th centuries) Opll, Ferdinand
2000 Economic inequalities and social tensions in the transition period in FYROM Nikolovska, Natalia
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