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Collection Member: Πολιτική οικονομία : επιθεώρηση οικονομικών και κοινωνικών επιστημών  

Found: 128 results. (7 Pages)
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Date Title Author
2000 A set of Economic Equations and a Generalisation of Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem Neumann, J. v.
2002 A Representation of International Trade Exchanges through Neural Networks Karagianni , Stella
1999 A Reappraisal of Adaptive Expectations Franke , Reiner
1999 A note on the Normalizations that imply Linear w-r Relationsin Decomposable Single Production Techniques Sotirchos , George
1998 A Note on Foley’s Article «The value of money, the value of labour power and the marxian transformation problem» Σταμάτης, Γιώργος
1967 A Growth Cycle Goodwin, R. M.
2000 A Generalization of the Theorem on the Eigenvalues of Positive or Semipositive Similar Matrices and Its Application in the Economic Theory Σταμάτης, Γιώργος
1999 A basic difference between the orthodox and the marxian investigation of the falling rate of profit Μαριόλης , Θεόδωρος
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