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Collection Member: Πολιτική οικονομία : επιθεώρηση οικονομικών και κοινωνικών επιστημών  

Found: 128 results. (7 Pages)
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Date Title Author
1998 On the Position and the Slope of the w-r-Curve Σταμάτης, Γιώργος
1999 On the neoricardian interpretation of profit Σταμάτης , Γιώργος
1998 On the linearity of the relationship between the nominal wage rate and the rate of profit in linear production systems Μαριόλης, Θεοδωρής
1999 On the Linear Decomposable Systems of Production
2000 On Negative «Labour Values»
1999 On negative labour values. A summing up Sotirchos , George
1999 Non-basics, the Standard Commodity, and the Uniformity of the Profit Rate Vassilakis , Spyridon
1999 Negative Labour Values and Inferior Processes.A comment Sotirchos , George
2003 Managing Design Complexityto Improve on Cost, Quality, Variety,and Time-to-Market Performance Variables Vassilakis , Spyros
2005 Linear and Non-Linear Causality between Public Spending and Income in Greece Karagianni, Stella
2000 Labor Valuesin Joint Production Systems Βασσιλάκης, Σπύρος
2002 Karl Schlesinger: Για τις Εξισώσεις Παραγωγής της Οικονομικής Θεωρίας της Αξίας
2000 Karl Marxand the Average Rate of Profit Muehlpfordt, Wolfgang
2000 Joint Production and “Negative Values”: The weakness of Steedman’s attack on the Labour Theory of Value Hengstenberg, Johannes
2000 International Capital Movement, Portfolio Diversification and Financial Crisis Καραγιάννη, Στέλλα
1999 Internal inconsistencies of the physical quantities approach Kliman , Andrew J.
1999 Interest Rates, Income Shares and Investmentin a Kaleckian Model Hein , Eckhard
2001 Increasing Returns and Economic Growth.A Sectoral Approach with respect to Greek Regions Paschaloudis , Dimitris
2001 Exchange Rate Volatility, Financial Crisis and and Large Output Loss: Stylized Facts and Some Useful Theories Semmler , Willi
2005 Evidence for Mixed non-Linearity in Daily Stock Exchange Series Kyrtsou, Catherine
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