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Μέλος του: European City in Comparative Perspective: Seventh International Conference on Urban History  

Βρέθηκαν: 144 αποτελέσματα. (8 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-01-17 The vindication of the tenement in East Berlin Urban, Florian
2007-12-28 They obey all magistrates and all good lawes and we thinke our cittie happie to enjoye them’: migrants and civic order in early modern english towns Esser, Raingard
2007-12-17 To use and to protect: municipal parks of London in the twentieth century-a natural approach Hannikainen, Matti
2008-02-07 Tourism, visual culture and everyday life Steward, Jill
2008-02-05 Town and Country in Roman Antioch De Giorgi, Andrea U.
2008-01-10 Town and university: Manchester, Gothenburg and Tampere Kaarninen, Mervi
2008-01-15 Transformations et constructions dans la Ville de São Paulo au passage du XIXe au XXe siècle: le rôle du petit commerce Barbuy, Heloisa
2008-02-27 Two "Swedish" fortification towns and their population in the early 18th century Kroll, Stefan
2008-02-12 Uncommon threads: the role of oral and archival testimony in the shaping of urban public art Wallach, Ruth
2008-01-17 Urban change and transformation of sociability Tervonen, Miika
2007-12-18 Urban green space in Helsinki 1900-1950: roles, implications and fuctions Lento, Katri
2008-01-18 Urban images and representations during the 20th century in Europe and beyond: introduction Guckes, Jochen
2008-01-28 Urban property and administration in dispute in the nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire: Ayvalık, 1877-1914 Terzibaşoğlu, Yücel
2008-01-28 Urban renewal politics from a "modern city state": a coruna metropolitan area in NW Spain Beltran Pedreira, Ricardo
2007-12-19 Urban stability and civic liberties: two fundamental concepts and the practice of crime control in early modern European cities (1400-1800) Eibach, Joachim
2008-01-29 Urbanism and housing in the eighteenth-century Chaussée d’Antin Collins, Nancy W.
2008-02-20 Who is provincial?: reciprocal influences in architectural culture between Vienna and the capital cities of the Habsburg Empire Torello, Francesca
2008-02-12 Women at risk’ and ‚migrating’ men: welfare at the train station in Berlin around 1900 Kirchhof, Astrid
2008-01-21 World-class city or dirty old town?: images of Dublin in the context of dockland regeneration Wonneberger, Astrid
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