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Προβολή στοιχείων εγγραφής


Τίτλος: European City in Comparative Perspective: Seventh International Conference on Urban History
Περιεχόμενα:   The history of allotment areas in 20th century Sweden and their role in maintaining ecosystem services in urban areas
To use and to protect: municipal parks of London in the twentieth century-a natural approach
Rooting vines back in Montmartre: 1933-2003
Urban green space in Helsinki 1900-1950: roles, implications and fuctions
The planning and laying out of green spaces in relation to the urban transformation of Warsaw after 1918
Historic cities and conservation in Germany: the use of green spaces in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1925-90
The role of local ecological knowledge and land-use history in Finnish urban planning
A walk in the park as a democratic right
Social control and urban government: the case of Goerlitz, 15th and 16th centuries
Urban stability and civic liberties: two fundamental concepts and the practice of crime control in early modern European cities (1400-1800)
They obey all magistrates and all good lawes and we thinke our cittie happie to enjoye them’: migrants and civic order in early modern english towns
Illicit artisan work and the control of deviant economic behaviour in Lubeck and Leipzip
Public houses and civic tensions in early modern Bern
"Ye shall disturbe no mans right": oath-taking and oath-breaking in early modern Bristol
Bringing great shame upon this city: sodomy, the courts and the civic idiom in south west England, 1720-1820
Comprise and handshake: the town council, authority and urban stability in eighteenth-century Austrian small towns
Place is not enough: some considerations concerning theory, context and models when comparing urban political cultures in modern history
Town and university: Manchester, Gothenburg and Tampere
The urban foundation of the regional economy: peripheral towns in the English Minlands, c. 1550-1700
Industrial communities in comparison: the complexity of factors and indicators of success and decline
The metropolis and the state: the autonomy of Amsterdam and Antwerp in a comparative perspective (ca. 1530-1830)
Limits of comparison: a case study of early modern urban migration
Le rôle de la ville dans le processus de la colonisation vénitienne : l’exemple de la Dalmatie
Problems of agency and technological issues in the municipalisation of water supply systems: Portugal (1850-1930)
Intégration économique et aspects de modernité autour d’un réseau ferroviaire périphérique: Thessalie, fin du 19e siècle
Meeting demand: retailing strategies in early modern Venice
Cesar Birotteau et ses pairs: Poétiques et mercatique des parfumeurs dans le Paris du XIXe s.
Developments in the retailing of domestic furnishings 1600-1850
Fashion and the early modern consumer evolution
Pratiques publicitaires dans les métiers du luxe dans trois villes provinciales de l’Ouest de la France dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle
Images de la ville et urbanité des images: quelques réflexions sur la représentation de l’espace urbain et la fonction des oeuvres d’art dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons
Enjeux et pratiques des classifications du commerce en France: les trois figures de différentiation gros/détail 1673-1844
Transformations et constructions dans la Ville de São Paulo au passage du XIXe au XXe siècle: le rôle du petit commerce
Extroversion and urban illustration: planning and urban design in Athens urban growth
Athènes au XIXe siècle : de la bourgade à la capitale
The rise of multicultural metropolis
Representations, perceptions and appropriations of urban space
Saturating the surface: cultural reflections on italian modernist architecture
The re-use of post-industrial space and waterfront development: the case of the Stone Loft (Maritime Tradition Museum) in Piraeus
Little red Vienna: Ghent's urban image in the interwar period
Social-mindedness and aesthetics: municipal housing in Budapest and Vienna in the early 20th century
Urban change and transformation of sociability
The vindication of the tenement in East Berlin
A splintered icon: the tensions of politics, ideology and representation in early republican Ankara
Urban images and representations during the 20th century in Europe and beyond: introduction
Representations of the Russian metropolises: St. Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad and Moscow in 1900 – 1930
A continuous urban history: european colonial urban images and the development of African cities
The (self-) perception of historic city: case study of the Finnish world heritage city old Rauma
Rotterdam between 1970 and 2001
World-class city or dirty old town?: images of Dublin in the context of dockland regeneration
Drinking and public space in Leningrad/St. Petersburg and Helsinki in the interwar period
L’enseignement de l’histoire urbaine au Portugal : une expirience ricente
Teaching urban history in Italian Universities
Les fontaines de Bruxelles et des anciens Pays-Bas, enjeux et pouvoirs (1350-1550)
The Ensenada Cadastre: a documentary on the urban structure of cities in the Castile of the Old Regime (1749-1757)
Cadastre maps and views of the city of Vienna (late 18th - early 19th centuries)
Bombs on Polish ground: the fate of Warsaw and its inhabitants during World War II
British cities ‘in the front line’: representations and realities, 1939-1945
Shadow City: Gimme Shelter 1935-1945
The urban impact on social welfare in East and West Germany (1945–1990)
Bridging the voluntarist gap: hospitals and the local state in Middlesbrough, 1890-1950
The Forgotten 'Cradle to Grave' welfare state: a comparison of local and national health care
Quartier Grec: a town within the town
Urban renewal politics from a "modern city state": a coruna metropolitan area in NW Spain
Tapiola vs. Helsinki: modernizing the metropolitan image
The Big Lift: image and identity in blockaded Berlin
Réseaux d’innovations: travaux portuaires dans les villes levantines, 1850-1920
Aspects of the urban development of Tirana: 1820-1939
Urban property and administration in dispute in the nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire: Ayvalık, 1877-1914
L'espace résidentiel de la noblesse florentine (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)
English nonconformist entrepreneurs and their mansions (1780-1900): a paradox
Urbanism and housing in the eighteenth-century Chaussée d’Antin
Residential patterns of the Liverpool elite c.1660-1800
Gender, the city and the environs of London: work, family and elite status, 1740-1870
French nobles and urban clienteles in seventeenth century Languedoc
Merchants' houses in victorial Liverpool
Les bonnes adresses: mapping the urban elites in revolutionary Paris
The Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam: an insight on entrepreneurial behaviour in the Republic, 1640-1705
Integration of immigrating merchants in Trondheim in the seventeenth and eighteenth century
Demographic composition and immigration movements of the Port City of Patras during the Interwar Period
Contrasting merchant communities in the early eighteenth century: Stockholm, Calabar and Charleston
Nineteenth-century Greek port-cities: history, historiography and comparisons
Combining business and pleasure?: Cotton brokers in the Liverpool business community in the late 19th century
Considerations on agricultural scale-economies in the Greco-Roman world
Town and Country in Roman Antioch
Grain market intervention in the Roman world
Hadrian and the Athenian Oil Production
Grain for Cibyra: Veranius Philagrus and the 'great conspiracy'
The urban system of Roman Egypt
Grain for Athens: the view from the Black Sea
Feeding hellenistic seleucia on the Tigris and Babylon
La promenade urbaine au XIXe siecle
Lights and modernity in 19th European cities: new demands and factors of differentiation
Restaurant life of St.-Petersburg and Moscow in late imperial Russia
Representations of everyday life in fin de siècle Vienna
Religion in urban everyday life: shaping modernity in Lodz and Manchester
Silence is golden: face-to-face communication in urban everyday life, 1870-1914
Domesticating Europe: urban everyday life in the 19th century Balkans
Tourism, visual culture and everyday life
New living-no cats: the example Frankfurt housing estates in the 1920s
Hygienic helpers: cats in the cities of the Third Reich
Migrant voices in Vienna's contemporary history
Auto-ethnography: research into one's own culture: some methodological insights
Ethics in the cross-cultural oral history interview
Men at work: oral history and the Glasgow hard man
The role of oral history in understanding the past
Modern Cemeteries and resurrecting narratives: revitalization and ruins in the Brás district, in the city of São Paulo.
La mémoire de Paris 1919-1939 : récits du quotidien pour une expérience sensible de l’histoire urbaine
Uncommon threads: the role of oral and archival testimony in the shaping of urban public art
Pesée démographique et réseaux urbains: Italie (siècles XIII-XV)
No God, no heimat, no home: urban welfare policies in Berlin and the work of the Innere Mission (1848-1914)
Women at risk’ and ‚migrating’ men: welfare at the train station in Berlin around 1900
Begging and peddling in Vienna and its surrounding areas (1918-1938)
La croissance de périphéries urbaines à l’époque industrielle: un tour d’horizon européen
Périphéries et espaces périphériques dans les villes européennes du moyen age et de l’époque Moderne (XV - XIX siècles): les transformations induites par l’économie
Les corpi sancti de Milan entre XVIIIème et XIXème siècles: aménagements institutionnels et ordre économique
Espaces périphériques dans une ville médiévale: la ville de Bruxelles entre les deux enceintes au bas Moyen Âge
Lyon ou l’ invention de la „bonne ville“
Hellenic urban historiography in the newly-established State
Beyond the eruv: is there a Jewish Urban Historiography?
The Brussels music scene, 1740-1780: expression of an urban or a courtly-aristocratic culture?
Metropolis and periphery in James Boswell’s interpretation on politeness
Alexandropolis: an attempt of the second capital of the Russian Empire in 18th century?
Who is provincial?: reciprocal influences in architectural culture between Vienna and the capital cities of the Habsburg Empire
The role and different aspects of urban design in Athens urban growth
The impact of the infrastructure on the urban shell of modern Piraeus
State, society and market in Preveza: historical time and historical centre in a small Greek town
Architectrural and urban development of Constantinople and the contribution of Greek-Orthodox community to the formation of city (1878-1908): the example of Kalfa Pericles D. Fotiadis
The future of the past: a history book you can walk through
Spaces of resistance: power, ideologies and migrant grassroots organizing in the periphery of Lisbon
Régie Vardar: a Jewish 'Garden City' in Thessaloniki (1917-1943).
Nobility and the "public face" of London's sewerage system
Nothing but your walls: the Dutch states-general and the fortified town of Wesel (1629)
Two "Swedish" fortification towns and their population in the early 18th century
Early modern ideal city planning and military architecture: especially in Northern Europe
Les fortifications de Paris: horizon du développement de la capitale et définition de la banlieue sous la monarchie de Juliet
Local decision-making and siege warfare: the role of towns in organizing defence in a context of increased state control, the case of the Dutch Republic (1570-1675)
Creative scientific milieus: the European city ideal as a model for innovation processes
The discipline of ambition: norms and trajectories in the literary life of 18th century Copenhagen

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