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Found: 358 results. (18 Pages)
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Date Title Author
1989 Οι Γιρονδίνοι και η εξάπλωση της επανάστασης στην Ευρώπη 1791-1793 Dorigny, Marcel
2008-01-11 Le rôle de la ville dans le processus de la colonisation vénitienne : l’exemple de la Dalmatie Doumerc, Bernand
2008-01-25 Bridging the voluntarist gap: hospitals and the local state in Middlesbrough, 1890-1950 Doyle, Barry M.
2008-01-14 Developments in the retailing of domestic furnishings 1600-1850 Edwards, Clive
2007-12-19 Urban stability and civic liberties: two fundamental concepts and the practice of crime control in early modern European cities (1400-1800) Eibach, Joachim
2008-02-05 Demographic composition and immigration movements of the Port City of Patras during the Interwar Period Eliopoulos, Panagiotis G.
2007-12-17 The history of allotment areas in 20th century Sweden and their role in maintaining ecosystem services in urban areas Parker, John N.
2008-02-06 Grain market intervention in the Roman world Erdkamp, Paul
2007-12-19 Urban stability and civic liberties: two fundamental concepts and the practice of crime control in early modern European cities (1400-1800) Eibach, Joachim
2007-12-28 They obey all magistrates and all good lawes and we thinke our cittie happie to enjoye them’: migrants and civic order in early modern english towns Esser, Raingard
2008-02-05 Contrasting merchant communities in the early eighteenth century: Stockholm, Calabar and Charleston Ryden, Goran
2008-01-21 Teaching urban history in Italian Universities Favero, Giovanni
2008-02-14 La croissance de périphéries urbaines à l’époque industrielle: un tour d’horizon européen Favero, Giovanni
2008-02-08 Migrant voices in Vienna's contemporary history Fischer, Wladimir
2008-01-09 Place is not enough: some considerations concerning theory, context and models when comparing urban political cultures in modern history Forsell, Hakan
2008-01-16 Representations, perceptions and appropriations of urban space Fretz, Nicole
1989 Εξέλιξη αντί επανάσταση: ο μετασχηματισμός της πρωσικής κοινωνίας από αγροτική σε αστική Garber, Jorn
2008-02-05 Nineteenth-century Greek port-cities: history, historiography and comparisons Gekas, Sakis
2008-02-22 State, society and market in Preveza: historical time and historical centre in a small Greek town Rentzos, Ioannis
1989 Πολιτικά ιδανικά και αυταπάτες της γερμανικής διανόησης στην εποχή της γαλλικής επανάστασης Grab, Walter
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