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| | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | 2016 | Collaborative consumption (CC) and share economy: a study on the culture sector | Νταλαμπίρας, Διαμαντής Δ. | 2000 | Collective Bargaining in the European Monetary Union A Theory of Optimum Wage Areas | Heise, Arne | 2008-02-05 | Combining business and pleasure?: Cotton brokers in the Liverpool business community in the late 19th century | Maenpaa, Sari | 1999 | Combining instructional programs:How does the combination affect the efficiency of the programs? | Fries, Stefan | 2010 | Comitology : το ζήτημα της συμβολής των επιτροπών στην εκτέλεση των αποφάσεων των οργάνων της Ευρωπαικής Ένωσης | Σεργάκη, Αικατερίνη | 1995-05 | Commentariolus | Κοπέρνικος, Νικόλαος (1473-1543) | 2000 | Comments on Dr. Miihlpfort and the determination of Production Prices and the Uniform Rate of Profit for a given Uniform Real Wage Rate | Σταμάτης, Γιώργος | 2004 | Comments on the Paper by R.M. Goodwin “A Growth Cycle” | Μίνογλου, Θέμις | 2012 | Communicating Audit Evidence | Iatridis, George | 2001 | Communication and satisfaction with the consultation in a general practice: A prospective examination | Iconomou, Gregoris | 2008-01-08 | Comprise and handshake: the town council, authority and urban stability in eighteenth-century Austrian small towns | Scheutz, Martin | 2000 | Concerning the Issue of the Choice of Technique in Neo-Ricardian Models of Single Production | Μαριόλης, Θεοδωρής | 1961 | Consequendes Probables de l’énergie atomique sur la Structure du monde de demain | Angelopoulos, Angelos | 1992 | Conservatism in Europe and America | Gress, David | 2013 | Conservative Nantucket:A brief History | Panorama vs. Progress | Athanasopoulos, Georgios-Spyridon Const. | 1961 | Considerations épistémologiques sur l’étude des relations internationales | Ledermann, Laszlo | 2008-02-05 | Considerations on agricultural scale-economies in the Greco-Roman world | Bintliff, John | 1961 | Considerations sur la Responsabilité InternationaleDes états en cas d’incidents Nucléaires | Ruegger,Paul | 1994 | Considérations, réflexions et suggestions du professeur Marc Ancel dans le domaine de la délinquance juvénile sous l’angle de la défense sociale nouvelle | Vouyoucas, Constantin | 1997 | Constructing the world visually: The mind asphysicist, physiologist and psychologist(in alphabetical order?) | Velli, Theoni P. | | | |