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Μέλος συλλογής: Ψυχολογία: το περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας  

Βρέθηκαν: 429 αποτελέσματα. (22 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2002 A cross-cultural study of the construct of forgiveness: Britain, Greece and Cyprus Scobie, Geoffrey E. W.
2003 A historical approach to the identity development of counselling psychology Stalikas, Anastassios
2002 A multidimensional physical self-concept:A construct validity approach to theory, measurementand research Warsh, Herbert W.
2003 Adolescents’ self-concept consistency and the transition from inconsistency to consistency Adamson, Lena
2003 Adolescent’s views of their relations with their parents Georgouleas, Georgios
2002 Affective expressions during joint attention interactions with an adult:The case of autism Misailidi, Plousia
2002 An analysis of counseling response mode profile in short-term dynamic psychotherapy Bernardelli, Antonio
2001 Are visual deficits a possible cause of dyslexia? Martos, Fransisco J.
2005 Assessing mathematics self-efficacy:Are skills-specific measures better than domain-specific measures? Pajares, Frank
2002 Assessment issues in behavior-genetic research on personality Borkenau, Peter
2003 Attributing human properties to computer artifacts: Developmental changes in children’s understanding of the animate-inanimate distinction Mikropoulos, Tassos A.
2001 Auditory and linguistic abilities among children with phonological problems Toennessen, Finn E.
2001 Benefits of training in linguistic awareness dissipate by grade 3? Niemi, Pekka
1997 Brain and mind: The case of subjective experience Efklides, Anastasia
2004 Bullying and violence in schools: An international perspective and findings in Greece Smith, Peter K.
1997 Change and continuity in child development Besevegis, Elias
2005 Children of assisted reproductive technology: Medical and psychological issues Greenfeld, Dorothy A.
2004 Client narrative change in psychotherapy:A narrative processes approach Angus, Lynne
2001 Cognitive processes in first grade reading and spelling of Greek Porpodas, Costas D.
1999 Combining instructional programs:How does the combination affect the efficiency of the programs? Fries, Stefan
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