| | View Collection Data Collection Member: Ψυχολογία: το περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας 
| | Date | Title | Author | 2007 | Effects of self-focused attention on recognizing previously presented self-relevant and irrelevant stimuli | Panayiotou, Georgia | 2002 | Dimensions of morality and their determinants in sport | Kavussanu, Maria | 2004 | Development of a questionnaire to measure physical education teachers’ representations on instruction | Biro, Edit N. | 2003 | Depression and dependency: Which relationship? | Bolognini, Monique | 1997 | Creative thinking:A cognitive process in counseling | Malikiosi-Loizos, Maria | 1997 | Continuity and change in theoretical approaches to stereotypes | Hantzi, Alexandra | 1997 | Constructing the world visually: The mind asphysicist, physiologist and psychologist(in alphabetical order?) | Velli, Theoni P. | 2001 | Communication and satisfaction with the consultation in a general practice: A prospective examination | Iconomou, Gregoris | 1999 | Combining instructional programs:How does the combination affect the efficiency of the programs? | Fries, Stefan | 2001 | Cognitive processes in first grade reading and spelling of Greek | Porpodas, Costas D. | 2004 | Client narrative change in psychotherapy:A narrative processes approach | Angus, Lynne | 2005 | Children of assisted reproductive technology: Medical and psychological issues | Greenfeld, Dorothy A. | 1997 | Change and continuity in child development | Besevegis, Elias | 2004 | Bullying and violence in schools: An international perspective and findings in Greece | Smith, Peter K. | 1997 | Brain and mind: The case of subjective experience | Efklides, Anastasia | 2001 | Benefits of training in linguistic awareness dissipate by grade 3? | Niemi, Pekka | 2001 | Auditory and linguistic abilities among children with phonological problems | Toennessen, Finn E. | 2003 | Attributing human properties to computer artifacts: Developmental changes in children’s understanding of the animate-inanimate distinction | Mikropoulos, Tassos A. | 2002 | Assessment issues in behavior-genetic research on personality | Borkenau, Peter | 2005 | Assessing mathematics self-efficacy:Are skills-specific measures better than domain-specific measures? | Pajares, Frank | | | |