| | View Collection Data Collection Member: Ψυχολογία: το περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας 
| | Date | Title | Author | 2003 | What are the foundational beliefs in the field of psychotherapy? | Mahrer, Alvin R. | 2004 | The role of conflict and information in the resolution of problems of unfamiliar physics concepts | Madoglou, Anna | 1995 | Τα έργα λανθασμένης πεποίθησης και η ικανότητα κατανόησης αφηγήσεων κατά την παιδική ηλικία | Lewis, Charlie | 2000 | Gender differences in the development of academic self-concept of attainment from the 2nd to the 6th grade: Relations with achievement and perceived motivational orientation | Lepola, Janne | 2000 | Relations between self-esteem, perceived control, possible selves, and academic achievement in adolescents | Leondari, Angeliki | 2000 | Self-concept in specific academic domains, academic values and goals: A study of Comprehensive Multisectoral Lyceum students in Greece | Koumi, Ioanna | 2007 | The investigation of planning in neuropsychology: from the Tower of Hanoi and Tower of London paradigms to Virtual Reality | Kotitsa,Maria | 2006 | Recidivism among juvenile delinquents: Self-reported sociodemographic characteristics, behavioural features and perceptions of delinquency | Kiriakidis, Stavros P. | 2002 | Dimensions of morality and their determinants in sport | Kavussanu, Maria | 2001 | Structural comparison in social representation theory: A research proposal | Katerelos, Ioannis D. | 2003 | The pluralistic nature of the field of psychotherapy: A response to A1 Mahrer | Iwakabe, Shigeru | 2001 | Communication and satisfaction with the consultation in a general practice: A prospective examination | Iconomou, Gregoris | 2002 | The DIAGNOSER project: Assessment in the service of learning | Hunt, Earl | 1999 | Γνωστικά μοντέλα αλλαγής στερεοτυπών:Ο ρόλος της τυπικότητας των υποδειγμάτων | Hewstone, Miles | 1997 | Continuity and change in theoretical approaches to stereotypes | Hantzi, Alexandra | 1999 | Teaching thinking: Programmes and evaluation | Overtoom, Mitrees Th. | 1999 | Esperanto and the tower of Babel: A taxonomy of thinking | Halpern, Diane F. | 2004 | Ομοφυλόφιλη επιθυμία και επιθυμία πατρότητας | Gratton, Emmanuel | 2002 | The psychology of Olympic excellence and its development | Gould, Daniel | 2000 | IntroductionThe self as motive | Gonida, Eleftheria | | | |