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| | Date | Title | Author | 2001 | Communication and satisfaction with the consultation in a general practice: A prospective examination | Iconomou, Gregoris | 1997 | Constructing the world visually: The mind asphysicist, physiologist and psychologist(in alphabetical order?) | Velli, Theoni P. | 1997 | Continuity and change in theoretical approaches to stereotypes | Hantzi, Alexandra | 1997 | Creative thinking:A cognitive process in counseling | Malikiosi-Loizos, Maria | 2003 | Depression and dependency: Which relationship? | Bolognini, Monique | 2004 | Development of a questionnaire to measure physical education teachers’ representations on instruction | Biro, Edit N. | 2002 | Dimensions of morality and their determinants in sport | Kavussanu, Maria | 2007 | Effects of self-focused attention on recognizing previously presented self-relevant and irrelevant stimuli | Panayiotou, Georgia | 1999 | Esperanto and the tower of Babel: A taxonomy of thinking | Halpern, Diane F. | 2006 | Evaluation of an anti-stigma educational intervention in Greek secondary schools | Economou, Marina | 2002 | Feelings and judgments as subjective evaluations of cognitive processing:How reliable are they? | Efklides, Anastasia | 2003 | Field-dependence/independence and socioeconomic level: A cross-cultural approach | Vlondaki, Kalliopi | 2003 | Foundational beliefs in psychotherapy:A response to Alvin Mahrer | Feltham, Colin | 2003 | Foundational principles of psychotherapy: A response to A1 Mahrer | Dumont, Frank | 2003 | Fragmented foundations: A response to Mahrer | Neimeyer, Robert A. | 1998 | Frame-of-Reference Effects in Psychophysics: New Experimental Findings with Baby Chicks | Sarris, Victor | 2000 | Gender differences in the development of academic self-concept of attainment from the 2nd to the 6th grade: Relations with achievement and perceived motivational orientation | Lepola, Janne | 2003 | Goal orientations and their effect on self-concept and metacognition in adolescence | Demirtzaki, Irini | 2005 | Greek children’s understanding of false beliefs: The role of language | Maridaki-Kassotaki,Katerina | 2000 | Idiography and nomothesis: The quest for integration | Androutsopoulou, Athena A. | | | |