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Found: 358 results. (18 Pages)
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Date Title Author
2008-02-07 Representations of everyday life in fin de siècle Vienna Kirk, Tim
2008-02-12 Women at risk’ and ‚migrating’ men: welfare at the train station in Berlin around 1900 Kirchhof, Astrid
2008-02-07 Restaurant life of St.-Petersburg and Moscow in late imperial Russia Khmelnitskaia, Irina
2008-01-18 A splintered icon: the tensions of politics, ideology and representation in early republican Ankara Kezer, Zeynep
2008-01-28 Aspects of the urban development of Tirana: 1820-1939 Kera, Gentiana
2008-02-20 Metropolis and periphery in James Boswell’s interpretation on politeness Kekalainen, Markku
2008-01-10 The urban foundation of the regional economy: peripheral towns in the English Minlands, c. 1550-1700 Kawana, Yoh
2008-01-16 The re-use of post-industrial space and waterfront development: the case of the Stone Loft (Maritime Tradition Museum) in Piraeus Karachalis, Nicholas
2008-02-22 State, society and market in Preveza: historical time and historical centre in a small Greek town Rentzos, Ioannis
2008-01-10 Town and university: Manchester, Gothenburg and Tampere Kaarninen, Mervi
2008-01-25 British cities ‘in the front line’: representations and realities, 1939-1945 Jones, Helen
2008-01-29 English nonconformist entrepreneurs and their mansions (1780-1900): a paradox Jones, Diana K.
2008-02-08 Men at work: oral history and the Glasgow hard man Johnston, Ronnie
1998 Παγκοσμιοποίηση και Περιβαλλοντική Πολιτική Janicke, Martin
2008-03-03 The discipline of ambition: norms and trajectories in the literary life of 18th century Copenhagen Ingemann Parby, Jakob
2007-12-28 Illicit artisan work and the control of deviant economic behaviour in Lubeck and Leipzip Hoffmann, Philip R.
2008-02-12 No God, no heimat, no home: urban welfare policies in Berlin and the work of the Innere Mission (1848-1914) Hitzer, Bettina
2000 The future of inclusive democracies and the possibilities of sustaining welfare Hirst, Paul Q.
2008-01-16 Saturating the surface: cultural reflections on italian modernist architecture Hirsh, Jennie
1989 Η γαλλική ιδιαιτερότητα στην Ευρώπη (κοινωνική, πολιτική, ιδεολογική) υπάρχει πράγματι; είναι προϊόν της επανάστασης;» Hincker, Francois
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