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Collection Member: Αρχείον οικονομικών και κοινωνικών επιστημών  

Found: 731 results. (37 Pages)
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Date Title Author
1963 Les prodromes de leveil de lindustrie lourde dans loccident europeen au XVI siecle Besnier, R.
1964 Liquidity: international and domestic Machlup, Fritz
1931 Lujo Brentano 1844-1931 Καλιτσουνάκης, Δημήτριος
1960 Management philosophy in underdeveloped countries Gavrielides, Harry D.
1940 Max Sering (1857-1939) Dietze, Κωνσταντίνος von
1957 Max Webers Regionssoziololgie Tsakonas, Dem.
1971 Meeting the world food crisis Papi, Giuseppe Ugo
1958 Note sur un aspect dun nouveau probleme du changement social au XXe siecle Χατζηδήμου, Πέτρος
1971 O Wicksell και το επίπεδον τιμών Κώνστας, Κ.
1964 Observations sur leconomie Hellenique Δαμαλάς, Βασίλειος
1970 Pareto and his circulation of elites Marcoglou, Emmanuel E.
1957 Plan quinquennal pour la construction de deux millions d'habitations de bon marche Segura, Francisco
1955 Political and social struggles during the Persian and the Peloponnesian wars Μεταξάς, Β.Ν.
1955 Present day agricultural problems in Switzerland Burgi, W.
1963 Price determination in public Enterprise: the marginal cost controversy and other relevant issues Lenoudia, P.
1969 Prof. Dr. Franz Dolger (4.10.1891-5.11.1968) Καλιτσουνάκης, Δημήτριος
1962 Progres technique et conjoncture economique Dupriez, Leon H.
1965 Religiosity among jewish students in a metropolitan university Bardis, Panos D.
1964 Repercussions de l'association de la Grece avec le marche commun sur la repartition de son revenu national Νεγρεπόντη-Δελιβάνη, Μαρία
1971 Role theory applied to life insurance selling Ditz, Gerhard W.
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