| | View Collection Data Collection Member: Αρχείον οικονομικών και κοινωνικών επιστημών
| | Date | Title | Author | 1955 | Soziale Marktwirtschaft | Haesele, Kurt Werner | 1962 | Some empirical evidence on the international business cycle | Δρακάτος, Κωνσταντίνος | 1971 | Some economic aspects of short-run greek labor emigration | Botsas, Eleutherios N. | 1971 | Sociocultural issues concerning the first and second generation Greeks in America | Κουρβετάρης, Γεώργιος | 1956 | Social Legislation in Switzerland | Walz, Felix | 1957 | Schwebende und fundierte Schuld im Konjunkturzyklus | Keller, Theo | 1971 | Ruckblick auf ein halbes jahrhundert der wirtschaftswissenschaft (1918-1968) | | 1971 | Role theory applied to life insurance selling | Ditz, Gerhard W. | 1964 | Repercussions de l'association de la Grece avec le marche commun sur la repartition de son revenu national | Νεγρεπόντη-Δελιβάνη, Μαρία | 1965 | Religiosity among jewish students in a metropolitan university | Bardis, Panos D. | 1962 | Progres technique et conjoncture economique | Dupriez, Leon H. | 1969 | Prof. Dr. Franz Dolger (4.10.1891-5.11.1968) | Καλιτσουνάκης, Δημήτριος | 1963 | Price determination in public Enterprise: the marginal cost controversy and other relevant issues | Lenoudia, P. | 1955 | Present day agricultural problems in Switzerland | Burgi, W. | 1955 | Political and social struggles during the Persian and the Peloponnesian wars | Μεταξάς, Β.Ν. | 1957 | Plan quinquennal pour la construction de deux millions d'habitations de bon marche | Segura, Francisco | 1970 | Pareto and his circulation of elites | Marcoglou, Emmanuel E. | 1964 | Observations sur leconomie Hellenique | Δαμαλάς, Βασίλειος | 1971 | O Wicksell και το επίπεδον τιμών | Κώνστας, Κ. | 1958 | Note sur un aspect dun nouveau probleme du changement social au XXe siecle | Χατζηδήμου, Πέτρος | | | |