| | Προβολή στοιχείων συλλογής Μέλος συλλογής: Ψυχολογία: το περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας 
| | Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | 2003 | Introduction: Shall we or shall we not attempt to uncover our guiding axioms? | Stalikas, Anastassios | 2003 | A historical approach to the identity development of counselling psychology | Stalikas, Anastassios | 2004 | Bullying and violence in schools: An international perspective and findings in Greece | Smith, Peter K. | 2003 | School-related stress and family stress: Differences in stress perception and coping style in healthy and clinical groups | Sheiffge-Krenke, Inge | 2001 | Learning to read in English | Seymour, Philip H. | 2002 | A cross-cultural study of the construct of forgiveness: Britain, Greece and Cyprus | Scobie, Geoffrey E. W. | 1995 | Psychogerontology and Gerodynamics | Schroots, Johannes J.F. | 2000 | Self-concept reflected in students’ activities during physics instruction:The role of interest-oriented actions | Schick, Annette | 1998 | Frame-of-Reference Effects in Psychophysics: New Experimental Findings with Baby Chicks | Sarris, Victor | 2004 | Development of a questionnaire to measure physical education teachers’ representations on instruction | Biro, Edit N. | 2005 | Structural and attitudinal approach of social representations of individuality and collectivity in a Greek and a Frenchsample | Sakalaki, Maria | 2001 | The effectiveness of kindergarten programs which aim at preventing reading and spelling problems in school:A comparison of three different approaches | Roth, Ellen | 2005 | Multiple measures of assessing vocabulary acquisition: Implications for understanding lexical development | Ralli, Assimina M. | 2000 | Introduction | Porpodas, Costas D. | 2001 | Cognitive processes in first grade reading and spelling of Greek | Porpodas, Costas D. | 2000 | Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for religious thinking in a sample of Greek Orthodox children | Pnevmatikos,Dimitris | 1995 | The contributions of behavioral psychology to the theory and practice of school psychology* | Paraskevopoulos, Ioannis N. | 2002 | Multidimensional structure of goal orientations:The importance of adopting a personal development | Papaioannou, Athanasios | 2003 | Types of fears reported by immigrant Pontian Greeks from the former Soviet Union and by native Greeks | Papadopoulou, Eleni | 1999 | Η γνωστική εκπαίδευση στο νηπιαγωγείο: Γιατί, πώς, και με ποια αποτελέσματα; | Paour, Jean-Louis | | | |