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Μέλος συλλογής: Συνέδρια  

Βρέθηκαν: 358 αποτελέσματα. (18 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-02-12 Modern Cemeteries and resurrecting narratives: revitalization and ruins in the Brás district, in the city of São Paulo. Pereira, V.S.
2008-02-07 New living-no cats: the example Frankfurt housing estates in the 1920s Saldern, Adelheid von
2008-02-05 Nineteenth-century Greek port-cities: history, historiography and comparisons Gekas, Sakis
2008-02-12 No God, no heimat, no home: urban welfare policies in Berlin and the work of the Innere Mission (1848-1914) Hitzer, Bettina
2008-02-26 Nobility and the "public face" of London's sewerage system Dobraszczyc, Paul
2008-02-26 Nothing but your walls: the Dutch states-general and the fortified town of Wesel (1629) Cauwer, Peter De
1990 O αριστερός αντιβενιζελικός λόγος του Αλέξανδρου Παπαναστασίου (1923 - 1936) Πετρίδης, Παύλος
2008-02-14 Périphéries et espaces périphériques dans les villes européennes du moyen age et de l’époque Moderne (XV - XIX siècles): les transformations induites par l’économie Lanaro, Paola
2008-02-12 Pesée démographique et réseaux urbains: Italie (siècles XIII-XV) Pinto, Giuliano
2008-01-09 Place is not enough: some considerations concerning theory, context and models when comparing urban political cultures in modern history Forsell, Hakan
2008-01-14 Pratiques publicitaires dans les métiers du luxe dans trois villes provinciales de l’Ouest de la France dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle Saupin, Guy
2008-01-14 Problems of agency and technological issues in the municipalisation of water supply systems: Portugal (1850-1930) Silva, Alvaro Ferreira da
2008-01-07 Public houses and civic tensions in early modern Bern Kümin, Beat
2008-01-28 Quartier Grec: a town within the town Tomara-Sideris, Matoula
2008-02-25 Régie Vardar: a Jewish 'Garden City' in Thessaloniki (1917-1943). Hadar, Gila
2008-02-07 Religion in urban everyday life: shaping modernity in Lodz and Manchester Kossert, Andreas
2008-02-07 Representations of everyday life in fin de siècle Vienna Kirk, Tim
2008-01-18 Representations of the Russian metropolises: St. Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad and Moscow in 1900 – 1930 Shevyrev, Alexander
2008-01-16 Representations, perceptions and appropriations of urban space Fretz, Nicole
2008-01-28 Réseaux d’innovations: travaux portuaires dans les villes levantines, 1850-1920 Hastaoglou-Martinidis, Vilma
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