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Μέλος συλλογής: Συνέδρια  

Βρέθηκαν: 358 αποτελέσματα. (18 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-02-05 Contrasting merchant communities in the early eighteenth century: Stockholm, Calabar and Charleston Ryden, Goran
2008-02-05 Nineteenth-century Greek port-cities: history, historiography and comparisons Gekas, Sakis
2008-02-05 Combining business and pleasure?: Cotton brokers in the Liverpool business community in the late 19th century Maenpaa, Sari
2008-02-05 Considerations on agricultural scale-economies in the Greco-Roman world Bintliff, John
2008-02-05 Town and Country in Roman Antioch De Giorgi, Andrea U.
2008-02-04 French nobles and urban clienteles in seventeenth century Languedoc Sandberg, Brian
2008-02-04 Gender, the city and the environs of London: work, family and elite status, 1740-1870 Martin, Mary Clare
2008-02-04 Les bonnes adresses: mapping the urban elites in revolutionary Paris Thompson, Victoria E.
2008-02-04 Merchants' houses in victorial Liverpool Sharples, Joseph
2008-01-29 English nonconformist entrepreneurs and their mansions (1780-1900): a paradox Jones, Diana K.
2008-01-29 L'espace résidentiel de la noblesse florentine (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) Boutier, Jean
2008-01-29 Residential patterns of the Liverpool elite c.1660-1800 Longmore, Jane
2008-01-29 Urbanism and housing in the eighteenth-century Chaussée d’Antin Collins, Nancy W.
2008-01-28 Urban renewal politics from a "modern city state": a coruna metropolitan area in NW Spain Beltran Pedreira, Ricardo
2008-01-28 Réseaux d’innovations: travaux portuaires dans les villes levantines, 1850-1920 Hastaoglou-Martinidis, Vilma
2008-01-28 The Big Lift: image and identity in blockaded Berlin Stern, Ralph
2008-01-28 Urban property and administration in dispute in the nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire: Ayvalık, 1877-1914 Terzibaşoğlu, Yücel
2008-01-28 Aspects of the urban development of Tirana: 1820-1939 Kera, Gentiana
2008-01-28 Tapiola vs. Helsinki: modernizing the metropolitan image Lahti, Juhana
2008-01-28 Quartier Grec: a town within the town Tomara-Sideris, Matoula
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