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List of Records

Date Title Author
2000Collective Bargaining in the European Monetary Union A Theory of Optimum Wage Areas Heise, Arne
2000Determining Prices of Production and the General Rate of Profit Muehlpfordt, Wolfgang
2000The first correct formulation of the so-called Transformation Problem by Wolfgang Muehlpfordt, alias Dr. Miihlpfort in 1893 and 1895
2000Karl Marxand the Average Rate of Profit Muehlpfordt, Wolfgang
2000Vita Muehlpfordt, Wolfgang
2000Comments on Dr. Miihlpfort and the determination of Production Prices and the Uniform Rate of Profit for a given Uniform Real Wage Rate Σταμάτης, Γιώργος
2000The Analysis of Marx’s Composition of Capital. The Unsettled Controversies Groll, Shalom
2000The Political Economy of MeritocracyUnemployment, Globalism and Inequality Heise, Arne
2000Employment Profitability Cycles in the economy of the United States: An empirical point of view Νικηφόρος, Κωνσταντίνος
2000A Generalization of the Theorem on the Eigenvalues of Positive or Semipositive Similar Matrices and Its Application in the Economic Theory Σταμάτης, Γιώργος
2000Dynamic and Static Values:A Counter-reply to Duménil and Lévy Giussani, Paolo
2000Απάντηση σε μια “κριτική” Χρήστου, Γιώργος
2000Περί κριτικής, ιεραποστολικού φανατισμού, γλωσσομάθειας και επιστημοσύνης Παρασκευόπουλος, Θεόδωρος
2000International Capital Movement, Portfolio Diversification and Financial Crisis Καραγιάννη, Στέλλα
2000On Negative «Labour Values»
2000Joint Production and “Negative Values”: The weakness of Steedman’s attack on the Labour Theory of Value Hengstenberg, Johannes
2000Labor Valuesin Joint Production Systems Βασσιλάκης, Σπύρος
2000Το ασήμαντον και το εσφαλμένον του λεγόμενον Θεμελιώδους Μαρξικού Θεωρήματος: θετική (μη θετική) υπεραξία με μη θετικά (θετικά) κέρδη Μαριόλης, Θεόδωρος
2000An Examination of the so-called New Solution to the Transformation Problem Σταμάτης, Γιώργος
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