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List of Records

Date Title Author
2008-01-21The (self-) perception of historic city: case study of the Finnish world heritage city old Rauma Vahtikari, Tanja
2008-01-21Rotterdam between 1970 and 2001 Ulzen, Patricia van
2008-01-21World-class city or dirty old town?: images of Dublin in the context of dockland regeneration Wonneberger, Astrid
2008-01-21Drinking and public space in Leningrad/St. Petersburg and Helsinki in the interwar period Wacklin, Jussi
2008-01-21L’enseignement de l’histoire urbaine au Portugal : une expirience ricente Andrade, Amelia Aguiar
2008-01-21Teaching urban history in Italian Universities Favero, Giovanni
2008-01-18A splintered icon: the tensions of politics, ideology and representation in early republican Ankara Kezer, Zeynep
2008-01-18Urban images and representations during the 20th century in Europe and beyond: introduction Guckes, Jochen
2008-01-18Representations of the Russian metropolises: St. Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad and Moscow in 1900 – 1930 Shevyrev, Alexander
2008-01-18A continuous urban history: european colonial urban images and the development of African cities Som, Simon Elate
2008-01-17Ο εγκληματοπροληπτικός ρόλος της ιεράς εξομολογήσεως: θεωρητικό πλαίσιο-έρευνα πεδίου Καζάζης, Γεώργιος
2008-01-17Urban change and transformation of sociability Tervonen, Miika
2008-01-17The vindication of the tenement in East Berlin Urban, Florian
2008-01-16Social-mindedness and aesthetics: municipal housing in Budapest and Vienna in the early 20th century Szivos, Erika
2008-01-16Saturating the surface: cultural reflections on italian modernist architecture Hirsh, Jennie
2008-01-16Little red Vienna: Ghent's urban image in the interwar period Meganck, Leen
2008-01-16Representations, perceptions and appropriations of urban space Fretz, Nicole
2008-01-16The rise of multicultural metropolis Dimopoulos, Konstantinos
2008-01-16The re-use of post-industrial space and waterfront development: the case of the Stone Loft (Maritime Tradition Museum) in Piraeus Karachalis, Nicholas
2008-01-15Images de la ville et urbanité des images: quelques réflexions sur la représentation de l’espace urbain et la fonction des oeuvres d’art dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons Wijsman, Hanno
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