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Date Title Author
2001 "Αειφορική ανάπτυξη των πόλεων" Καλούση, Παγώνα
2008-01-18 A continuous urban history: european colonial urban images and the development of African cities Som, Simon Elate
1967 A Growth Cycle Goodwin, R. M.
1971 An econometric model for a developing economy: the case of Greece Prodromidis, Kyprianos P.
2008-01-28 Aspects of the urban development of Tirana: 1820-1939 Kera, Gentiana
2005 Between Debaters or Visions, objectives and ten years of battels... Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
1998 Book Review: Rune Skarstein’s«Development Theory.A guide to some unfashionable perspectives» Σωτήρχος, Γιώργος
1997 Change and continuity in child development Besevegis, Elias
1998 Citizenship, Local Societies and Sustainable Development Athanassoula-Reppa, Anastasia
2004 Comments on the Paper by R.M. Goodwin “A Growth Cycle” Μίνογλου, Θέμις
2002 Dimensions of morality and their determinants in sport Kavussanu, Maria
2008-02-27 Early modern ideal city planning and military architecture: especially in Northern Europe Kruger, Kersten
1996 Economic growth and forests A new protection policy Λάδιας, Χ. Α.
2003 Effects of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Greek Economic Development: Some Policy Implications Manolopoulos, Dimitris
2006 EIB Forum Athens, 19-20 October 2006: Sustainable economic growth in the Western Balkans: the main constraints Kekic, Laza
2003 Entre Interlocuteurs Conspirés ou Développement régional et investissements Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
1994 Environmental economics : a policy towards ecologically sustainable economic development / theory, modeling Μπίθας, Κωνσταντίνος Π.
1998 Environmental land policy measures and sustainable regional development in Cyprus Christodoulides, Andreas S.
1998 Environmental Land Policy Measures and Sustainable Regional Development in Cyprus Christodoulides, Andreas S.
2008 European Investment Bank Financing the development Maystadt, Philippe
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