Library SitePandemos Repository

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Found 4 results.
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Date Title Author
2000 Gender differences in the development of academic self-concept of attainment from the 2nd to the 6th grade: Relations with achievement and perceived motivational orientation Lepola, Janne
2000 Relations between self-esteem, perceived control, possible selves, and academic achievement in adolescents Leondari, Angeliki
2000 Self-concept reflected in students’ activities during physics instruction:The role of interest-oriented actions Schick, Annette
2001 Πρόσκληση συγγραφής Μελέτης εις μνήμην Δημητριού Κάρλου(1982-2001) Αθανασόπουλος, Κωνστ. Γε.
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