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Βρέθηκαν: 68 αποτελέσματα.
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List of Records

Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-02-29Creative scientific milieus: the European city ideal as a model for innovation processes Hessler, Martina
2008-02-27Two "Swedish" fortification towns and their population in the early 18th century Kroll, Stefan
2008-02-27Les fortifications de Paris: horizon du développement de la capitale et définition de la banlieue sous la monarchie de Juliet Moret, Frédéric
2008-02-27Local decision-making and siege warfare: the role of towns in organizing defence in a context of increased state control, the case of the Dutch Republic (1570-1675) Vermeesch, Griet
2008-02-27Early modern ideal city planning and military architecture: especially in Northern Europe Kruger, Kersten
2008-02-26Nobility and the "public face" of London's sewerage system Dobraszczyc, Paul
2008-02-26Nothing but your walls: the Dutch states-general and the fortified town of Wesel (1629) Cauwer, Peter De
2008-02-25Spaces of resistance: power, ideologies and migrant grassroots organizing in the periphery of Lisbon Beja Horta, Ana Paula
2008-02-25Régie Vardar: a Jewish 'Garden City' in Thessaloniki (1917-1943). Hadar, Gila
2008-02-25The future of the past: a history book you can walk through Toorn Vrijthoff, W. van der.
2008-02-22Architectrural and urban development of Constantinople and the contribution of Greek-Orthodox community to the formation of city (1878-1908): the example of Kalfa Pericles D. Fotiadis Tsilenis, Savvas E.
2008-02-22State, society and market in Preveza: historical time and historical centre in a small Greek town Rentzos, Ioannis
2008-02-22The role and different aspects of urban design in Athens urban growth Bobolos, Nikos D.
2008-02-22The impact of the infrastructure on the urban shell of modern Piraeus Malikouti, Stamatina G.
2008-02-20Metropolis and periphery in James Boswell’s interpretation on politeness Kekalainen, Markku
2008-02-20Alexandropolis: an attempt of the second capital of the Russian Empire in 18th century? Mikhalchenko, Sergey
2008-02-20Who is provincial?: reciprocal influences in architectural culture between Vienna and the capital cities of the Habsburg Empire Torello, Francesca
2008-02-20The Brussels music scene, 1740-1780: expression of an urban or a courtly-aristocratic culture? Buyens, Koen
2008-02-15Hellenic urban historiography in the newly-established State Sapounaki-Dracaki, Lydia
2008-02-15Beyond the eruv: is there a Jewish Urban Historiography? Schlör, Joachim
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