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Αναζήτηση στον Πάνδημο

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Ακριβής αναζήτηση:
Βρέθηκαν 330 αποτελέσματα.
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2003 General equilibrium with public goods: a geometric approach Ranos, Kostas
2005 Greek children’s understanding of false beliefs: The role of language Maridaki-Kassotaki,Katerina
2009 Greek economists and the quest for development: 1944-1967 Κακριδής, Ανδρέας
1997 Incitations comparées aux investissements des entreprises dans les économies en développement. Quelques aspects théoriques et recherches pragmatiques Courtheoux, Jean-Paul
2001 Increasing Returns and Economic Growth.A Sectoral Approach with respect to Greek Regions Paschaloudis , Dimitris
2003 Innovation, Knowledge and Regional Development Fischer, Manfred M.
2013 Integrated water management of shared river basins in southeast Europe : the case of Drin river Basin Water Management Σταμούλη, Ευαγγελία
1965 Le role des banques dans le developpement economique de la Grece Argyros, Aristophanis
2008-01-22 Les fontaines de Bruxelles et des anciens Pays-Bas, enjeux et pouvoirs (1350-1550) Deligne, Chloé
2008-01-10 Limits of comparison: a case study of early modern urban migration Miller, Jaroslav
1997 L’ établissement de L' Université du Peloponnese A Tripoli est un impératif Α.
2005 Multiple measures of assessing vocabulary acquisition: Implications for understanding lexical development Ralli, Assimina M.
1995 Nikolaos G. VAGIONIS: Regional Development in Greece: an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Industrial Areas Programme. London School of Economicsand Political Science. London, 1994.
2002 Regional Development in Greece Κόνσολας , Νικόλαος
2008-01-29 Residential patterns of the Liverpool elite c.1660-1800 Longmore, Jane
2008-01-28 Tapiola vs. Helsinki: modernizing the metropolitan image Lahti, Juhana
1998 The Balkans and the Olympic Games: A challenge and an opportunity for the development of Greece Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
2008-02-22 The impact of the infrastructure on the urban shell of modern Piraeus Malikouti, Stamatina G.
1969 The influence of economic development on the use of cheques: a statistical study for Greece Δρακάτος, Κωνσταντίνος
2007 The modernization of State as a Condition for Development and Investments' Attraction Αθανασόπουλος, Κ. Γ.
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