Η σχέση πειθαρχικού ελέγχου μαθητών Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και σχολικής τους επίδοσης
Κύρια Υπευθυνότητα:
Ταμιχτσής, Ιωάννης Γ.
Μαγγανάς, Αντώνης Δ. (1947-)
Σχολική πειθαρχία -- Περιπτωσιολογικές μελέτες School discipline -- Case studies
Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης:
Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών
The aim of this work is to be searched empirically the relation that exists between the disciplinarycontrol of students of High schools and Lyceum of Athens and their school performance.In the theoretical part of work is analyzed the significance of discipline in the society it followssociological analysis of subject and is examined the relation of discipline with the power and the socialcontrol. It is developed the sociological dimension of problem of school discipline, and be examinedthe problems of discipline in the school and the disciplinary control sociological and pedagogic. Weanalyze the criminological theoretical approaches and the relative empiric researches for the relationof school performance and discipline. It follows the empirical part of research that includes themethodology of research, the presentation and interpretation of statistical data and the work iscompleted with the general conclusion . The question which is placed to examined it concerns ouraffair that exists negative relation between disciplinary control in the school and school performance..It will be examined , if the low school performance leads to disciplinary control, that means that thestudents are led to deviating or antisocial behaviours in the school environment . For the control ofconfirmation of our inquiring hypothesis was held research on the spot with the completion ofanonymous questionnaires from himself the students of schools (High schools, Lyceum andVocational Lyceum ) from the seven (7) Municipal Apartments of capital. The inquiring sampleconcerned 621 students of 3rd High school class , 410 students of 2nd Class of Lyceum as well as190 students from the 2nd Class of Vocational Lyceum .The students of sample answered in concrete questions for their school performance during of theirstudies in the High school or the Lyceum, and that concerned their final marks (certificate ofstudies of previous class ) but also their school failure (if they take extra exams or attend formore than on year the same class ).The questions refers to the disciplinary control in which they have punished the students during oftheir study in the High school and the Lyceum they concerned: reprehensions from teachers and theHeadmaster , suspension from the class , dropout from the school for one until five days and finallythe punishment to change school environment . We applied statistical cross-correlations between theempirical indicators of school performance and in those that concerned in the disciplinary control ofschool. At the same time they were evaluated and were connected inquiringly the answers of studentsin the questions that concerned the reasons for that they were punished by the school with the sentenceof expulsion from one until five days and with the sentence of change of school environment. The results from the research showed that exists negative relation between the school performanceand school discipline . It is confirmed the theoretical statement that was placed as a hypothesis ofthis work that as long as lower grades have a student, so much is increased the intensity of disciplinarycontrol. It is still confirmed , the negative cross-correlation between the school failure and thedisciplinary control.It is need to be reported that except for the initial direction of relation ( supported from thecriminological framework ) is realised also its reverse course ,that means as long as it is decreasedthe disciplinary control so much increases school performance ( supported from the educationalframework ). And this because also this two variables , schooll performance and disciplinary controlin school practice are found in a relation of interaction and interdependence . Accordingly withresearch of Di Prete ( 1981 ) that examined also this two hypothesis , it led to the conclusion that theeffect of indiscipline in the school performance it was feebler from that the effect of schoolperformance in the indiscipline .
Διπλωματική εργασία - Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο. Τμήμα Κοινωνιολογίας, ΠΜΣ "Η Σύγχρονη Εγκληματικότητα και η Αντιμετώπισή της", 2010