Διαδικασίες επιρροής οδοντιατρικά φοβικών και μη φοβικών ασθενών
Κύρια Υπευθυνότητα:
Αράβου, Σοφία
Παπαστάμου, Στάμος
Επιρροή (Ψυχολογία) Κοινωνική επιρροή Ασθενείς -- Ψυχολογία Οδοντιατρική -- Ψυχολογικές απόψεις Ιατρός και ασθενής Influence (Psychology) Social influence Patients -- Psychology Dentistry -- Psychological aspects Physician and patient
Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης:
Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών
There is a dividing line among dental patients. On the one hand there are the phobic patients (approximately 11% of adults /the adult population) and on the other hand there are those who are not afraid of the dental procedure, the non-phobic patients. Each group presents a totally different behavioural pattern and the therapeutic approach differs accordingly. In developed countries, dentist phobia has been approached in special clinics through a therapeutic and research level since 1960. On the other hand, at the wide social level of influence, constant failures have been reported regarding the change of the population behaviour. The typical models of persuasion / convincing have been in use since 1950 up to now. These models present a temporary change in the behaviour of Dental Health Care, leading the campaigns to failure.The aim of this innovative research/ study is to define /determine some tendencies in the change of opinion in phobic and non-phobic dental patients both in a clinical and a wide social level. The minority influence model of the European Social Psychology, which causes a permanent influence and not a temporary compliance, was used to this end. The Theory of Elaboration of Conflict (TEC), which activates the minority influence, was used along with the previously mentioned model, as well as the Psychologization, which suspends the influence attributing the minority reason to its psychological characteristics. 2000 people took part in the study whose aim was to single out and study about 200 phobic people. The methodology is experimental, while various questionnaires, tools of the experimental handling, were translated in the Greek language, or written from scratch and estimated.The results deduced show that phobic dental patients are minority-centered (they are influenced and change their minds from reliable but non-credited groups, e.g. postgraduate students of Social and Preventive Dentistry). On the other hand the non-phobic patients are influenced from credited groups, e.g. university teachers of Social and Preventive Dentistry. However, previous research and unsuccessful campaigns affirm that influence coming from credited individuals is usually temporary, regarded as compliance to authority, while minorities cause permanent change.In the final stage of the study the typical models of influence and the minority model of social influence were put together resulting thus in the common influence and change of mind in phobic and non-phobic patients. The theory of Psychologization proved to be a catalyst in the above mentioned experimental plan.In conclusion, it could be said that the appropriate structure of these theories could influence the whole of the population as far as the Care and Prevention of Dental Illness is concerned. Multiple cross-checking and pilot researches will probably lead to future successful implementations.
Διατριβή (διδακτορική) - Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο. Τμήμα Ψυχολογίας, 2008