Αυτάρκεια Ελλάδα -- Οικονομική πολιτική -- 20ός αιώνας Ελλάδα -- Εμπορική πολιτική -- Ιστορία -- 20ός αιώνας Ελλάδα -- Διεθνείς οικονομικές σχέσεις -- Ιστορία -- 20ός αιώνας Autarchy Greece -- Economic policy -- 20th century Greece -- Commercial policy -- History -- 20th century Greece -- Foreign economic relations -- History -- 2oth century
Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών
Η «οικονομική αυτάρκεια» μέσα στην αταξία του μεσοπόλεμου, διατυπώνεται ως δόγμα «διακυβέρνησης» για το «επίπεδο ζωής», τους «εθνικούς πόρους». τον «επιχώριο πολιτισμό». Είναι η περίοδος συσσώρευσης ιδεών και πολιτικών από τον προηγούμενο αιώνα, για να αποδοθεί στην «αυτάρκεια» νέα διάσταση, από το δεύτερο μισό του 20ου αιώνα, στον 21ο αιώνα. Η «μελέτη περίπτωσης» των ιδεών και πρακτικών της «οικονομικής αυτάρκειας» και των επάλληλων εννοιών, αναζητήθηκε σε έναν τουλάχιστον εθνικό χώρο: την Ελληνική κοινωνία και οικονομία μεταξύ 1919 και 1939. Ο σκοπός να επανεξετασθεί η οικονομική αυτάρκεια μέσα από την εξέλιξη των κοινωνιολογικών ιδεών, τη χρήση των εννοιών «εντός» και «εκτός» οικονομικής λογικής αλλά και να αναζητήσει έναν τρόπο να επανατοποθετηθεί σήμερα στο χώρο της κοινωνιολογίας. Η έρευνα επικεντρώθηκε στην ανάλυση οικονομικών (κύριων και συμπληρωματικών) ιδεών και πρακτικών της μεσοπολεμικής οικονομικής πολιτικής αυταρχικών καθεστώτων. Η πολιτική της αυτάρκειας αναλύεται στο πνεύμα της «αυταρχίας» και τη χρήση της στο ευρύ πεδίο πολιτικών ιδεών, όπως ο παραδοσιακός συντηρητισμός, αλλά και την παύση της εξάρτησης ή της αλληλοβοήθειας για ένα κράτος από άλλες χώρες ή ομάδες χωρών.
"Economic self-sufficiency" in the chaos of the interwar period is formulated as a doctrine of "governance" for the "standard of living", "national resources", "local culture". It is the period of accumulation of ideas and policies from the previous century, to give "self-sufficiency" a new dimension, from the second half of the 20th century, into the 21st century. The "case study" of the ideas and practices of "economic self-sufficiency" and related concepts, was sought in at least one national area: the Greek society and economy between 1919 and 1939. The purpose to re-examine economic self-sufficiency through the evolution of sociological ideas, the use of the concepts "inside" and "outside" economic logic but also to look for a way to reposition itself today in the field of sociology. The research focused on the analysis of economic (main and complementary) ideas and practices of the interwar economic policy of authoritarian regimes. The politics of self-sufficiency is analyzed in the spirit of "autocracy" and its use in the broad field of political ideas, such as traditional conservatism, but also the cessation of dependence or mutual aid for a state from other countries or groups of countries. "Economic self-sufficiency" in the chaos of the interwar period is formulated as a doctrine of "governance" for the "standard of living", "national resources", "local culture". It is the period of accumulation of ideas and policies from the previous century, to give "self-sufficiency" a new dimension, from the second half of the 20th century, into the 21st century. The "case study" of the ideas and practices of "economic self-sufficiency" and related concepts, was sought in at least one national area: the Greek society and economy between 1919 and 1939. The purpose to re-examine economic self-sufficiency through the evolution of sociological ideas, the use of the concepts "inside" and "outside" economic logic but also to look for a way to reposition itself today in the field of sociology. The research focused on the analysis of economic (main and complementary) ideas and practices of the interwar economic policy of authoritarian regimes. The politics of self-sufficiency is analyzed in the spirit of "autocracy" and its use in the broad field of political ideas, such as traditional conservatism, but also the cessation of dependence or mutual aid for a state from other countries or groups of countries. "Economic self-sufficiency" in the chaos of the interwar period is formulated as a doctrine of "governance" for the "standard of living", "national resources", "local culture". It is the period of accumulation of ideas and policies from the previous century, to give "self-sufficiency" a new dimension, from the second half of the 20th century, into the 21st century. The "case study" of the ideas and practices of "economic self-sufficiency" and related concepts, was sought in at least one national area: the Greek society and economy between 1919 and 1939. The purpose to re-examine economic self-sufficiency through the evolution of sociological ideas, the use of the concepts "inside" and "outside" economic logic but also to look for a way to reposition itself today in the field of sociology. The research focused on the analysis of economic (main and complementary) ideas and practices of the interwar economic policy of authoritarian regimes. The politics of self-sufficiency is analyzed in the spirit of "autocracy" and its use in the broad field of political ideas, such as traditional conservatism, but also the cessation of dependence or mutual aid for a state from other countries or groups of countries.
Διατριβή (διδακτορική) - Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο. Τμήμα Κοινωνιολογίας, 2022