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Μέλος συλλογής: Επιθεώρηση αποκέντρωσης τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης και περιφερειακής ανάπτυξης  

Βρέθηκαν: 1183 αποτελέσματα. (60 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2002 Development, Public Administration and Local Structures: Relations of interdependence or confrontation? Γκιόκας , Μιχάλης
2002 Des investissements directs, étrangers et privés: Des délimitations nationales et internationales.Estimations et orientations Αθανασόπουλος , Κωνσταντίνος Γ.
2003 Demographic ageing, migration and the challenge for labour market and pensions Fotakis, Constantinos
1998 D. K. Magliveras: Public Relations- Social Communication.Tenth edition. Athens, 1997 Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
1996 Cultural activities of local government Tales and realities Γκιόκας, Μιχάλης
2003 Critical Notes. Petros Miliarakis: The European Court in Strasbourg. P.N. Sakkoulas Edit., Series: Law and Economy, A thens, 2000, pag. 157. Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
1998 Critical Notes Professor N. I. KONSOLAS: Contemporary Regional Economic Policy. Athens, 1997, p. 374. Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
2003 Critical Notes Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
1996 Contingent Valuation Method: Μεθοδολογία και εφαρμογές Βαγιόνης, Ν.
2013 Conservative Nantucket:A brief History | Panorama vs. Progress Athanasopoulos, Georgios-Spyridon Const.
1996 Co-ordination of rgional policy between: a) Eu - member states and b) National - regional / local authorities Μπαλομένου, Χ.
1998 Citizenship, Local Societies and Sustainable Development Athanassoula-Reppa, Anastasia
2001 Business to business Παλληκαρώνας, Αντώνης
2010 Bulgaria:A country with a strategic role in energy market Traykov, Traycho
2005 Between Debaters or Visions, objectives and ten years of battels... Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
2008 Between debaters Or Reorganization of Public Administration and Local Administration Necessity or political choice? Αθανασόπουλος, Κ. Γ.
2007 Between Debaters or About reform of European Union's budget in a changing Europe Αθανασόπουλος Κ. Γ.
1997 Between debaters or about Public Servants and the system of loots Athanassopoulos, Const. Ge.
2008 Between debaters Or About fear and expectations: Certainties and concerns Αθανασόπουλος, Κ. Γ.
2003 Barbro Noel-Baker. Μια νήσος στην Ελλάδα. Οι Noel-Baker στην Εύβοια
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