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Μέλος συλλογής: Ψυχολογία: το περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας  

Βρέθηκαν: 429 αποτελέσματα. (22 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2003 Psychological adjustment and separation-individuation: an exploratory study with greek adolescents Christopoulos, Anna L.
2005 Psychosocial functioning and anaesthetic requirements in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting Panagopoulou, Efharis
2004 Psychotherapy integration: Thoretical, research and clinical developments Norcross, John C.
2006 Recidivism among juvenile delinquents: Self-reported sociodemographic characteristics, behavioural features and perceptions of delinquency Kiriakidis, Stavros P.
2000 Relations between self-concept and social support appraisals during adolescence: A longitudinal study Antunes, Christina
2000 Relations between self-esteem, perceived control, possible selves, and academic achievement in adolescents Leondari, Angeliki
2003 School-related stress and family stress: Differences in stress perception and coping style in healthy and clinical groups Sheiffge-Krenke, Inge
2000 Self-concept in specific academic domains, academic values and goals: A study of Comprehensive Multisectoral Lyceum students in Greece Koumi, Ioanna
2000 Self-concept reflected in students’ activities during physics instruction:The role of interest-oriented actions Schick, Annette
2000 Self-esteem, social identity and school achievement in adolescence Alves-Martins, Margarita
2005 Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective Bandura, Albert
2002 Socio-cultural environment as a factor of differentiation in mathematical reasoning Tzouriadou, Maria
2005 Structural and attitudinal approach of social representations of individuality and collectivity in a Greek and a Frenchsample Sakalaki, Maria
2001 Structural comparison in social representation theory: A research proposal Katerelos, Ioannis D.
1999 Teaching thinking skills:The challenge of learning to teach Vizcarro, Carmen
1999 Teaching thinking: Programmes and evaluation Overtoom, Mitrees Th.
1999 Teaching thinking:The role of general and domain-specific abilities in cognitive change Efklides, Anastasia
2007 The cerebellum and language functions Andreou, Georgia
1995 The contributions of behavioral psychology to the theory and practice of school psychology* Paraskevopoulos, Ioannis N.
2002 The DIAGNOSER project: Assessment in the service of learning Hunt, Earl
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