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Μέλος συλλογής: Συνέδρια  

Βρέθηκαν: 358 αποτελέσματα. (18 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2008-01-07 "Ye shall disturbe no mans right": oath-taking and oath-breaking in early modern Bristol Lee, James
2008-01-18 A continuous urban history: european colonial urban images and the development of African cities Som, Simon Elate
2008-01-18 A splintered icon: the tensions of politics, ideology and representation in early republican Ankara Kezer, Zeynep
2007-12-19 A walk in the park as a democratic right Rooijen, Maurits van
2004 Address of the Rector of Panteion University, Professor Ioannis Vavouras Πάντειος Ανώτατη Σχολή Πολιτικών Επιστημών
2008-02-20 Alexandropolis: an attempt of the second capital of the Russian Empire in 18th century? Mikhalchenko, Sergey
2000 Analysis of the effects of trade liberalization on poverty in developing countries Crowe, T.J.
2008-02-22 Architectrural and urban development of Constantinople and the contribution of Greek-Orthodox community to the formation of city (1878-1908): the example of Kalfa Pericles D. Fotiadis Tsilenis, Savvas E.
2004 Aristotele’s and Islamic Philosophers’ Teachings in the early Philosophical Writingsof Thomas Aquinas Chronis, Nikolaos
2004 Aristotle from the Viewpoint of Muslim Philosophers Moghaddam, Mahdi Hadavi
2004 Aristotle's Prime Matter through the Looking Glass of Quantum Mechanics and Physics of Elementary Particles Sfendoni-Mentzou, Demetra
2008-01-28 Aspects of the urban development of Tirana: 1820-1939 Kera, Gentiana
2008-01-15 Athènes au XIXe siècle : de la bourgade à la capitale Dimitropoulou, Myrto
2008-02-08 Auto-ethnography: research into one's own culture: some methodological insights Gulin Zrnic, Valentina
2008-02-12 Begging and peddling in Vienna and its surrounding areas (1918-1938) Wadauer, Sigrid
2008-02-15 Beyond the eruv: is there a Jewish Urban Historiography? Schlör, Joachim
2008-01-24 Bombs on Polish ground: the fate of Warsaw and its inhabitants during World War II Boehler, Jochen
2008-01-25 Bridging the voluntarist gap: hospitals and the local state in Middlesbrough, 1890-1950 Doyle, Barry M.
2008-01-07 Bringing great shame upon this city: sodomy, the courts and the civic idiom in south west England, 1720-1820 Poole, Steve
2008-01-25 British cities ‘in the front line’: representations and realities, 1939-1945 Jones, Helen
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