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Μέλος του: Ψυχολογία Τόμος 10  

Βρέθηκαν: 36 αποτελέσματα. (2 Σελίδες)
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Ημερομηνία Τίτλος Συγγραφέας
2003 A historical approach to the identity development of counselling psychology Stalikas, Anastassios
2003 Adolescents’ self-concept consistency and the transition from inconsistency to consistency Adamson, Lena
2003 Adolescent’s views of their relations with their parents Georgouleas, Georgios
2003 Attributing human properties to computer artifacts: Developmental changes in children’s understanding of the animate-inanimate distinction Mikropoulos, Tassos A.
2003 Depression and dependency: Which relationship? Bolognini, Monique
2003 Field-dependence/independence and socioeconomic level: A cross-cultural approach Vlondaki, Kalliopi
2003 Foundational beliefs in psychotherapy:A response to Alvin Mahrer Feltham, Colin
2003 Foundational principles of psychotherapy: A response to A1 Mahrer Dumont, Frank
2003 Fragmented foundations: A response to Mahrer Neimeyer, Robert A.
2003 Goal orientations and their effect on self-concept and metacognition in adolescence Demirtzaki, Irini
2003 Introduction: Shall we or shall we not attempt to uncover our guiding axioms? Stalikas, Anastassios
2003 Parental and peer support, identity development and psychological well-being in adolescence Meeus, Wim
2003 Preface Besevegis, Elias
2003 Psychological adjustment and separation-individuation: an exploratory study with greek adolescents Christopoulos, Anna L.
2003 School-related stress and family stress: Differences in stress perception and coping style in healthy and clinical groups Sheiffge-Krenke, Inge
2003 The pluralistic nature of the field of psychotherapy: A response to A1 Mahrer Iwakabe, Shigeru
2003 Twins at puberty:A follow-up study of 32 twin pairs Akerman, Brita Alin
2003 Types of fears reported by immigrant Pontian Greeks from the former Soviet Union and by native Greeks Papadopoulou, Eleni
2003 What are some clever ploys psychotherapists use to avoid knowing their own “foundational beliefs”? Mahrer, Alvin R.
2003 What are the foundational beliefs in the field of psychotherapy? Mahrer, Alvin R.
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